Learn How To Fix A Slice With Your Driver in 5 Easy Steps

No matter how skilled you are at golf, it’s common for players to slice their tee shots with the driver from time to time. While it might seem like a difficult problem to overcome, with a few minor tweaks and consistent practice, you can fix the issue and see more consistent results in your drives.

In Golf most things are though then it requires back to the simple Fundamentals.

Here everything that we discussed in this article:

  • What is a slice?
  • Why a slice is terrible for your game (and soul)?
  • What causes a slice?
  • Why Do I Slice with My Driver but Not My Irons? 
  • How to fix a slice with a Driver?
  • How to Practice to Fix your Golf Slice?
  • How to Fix a Slice During a Round

I have compiled a collection of excellent recommendations from various credible sources on how to correct a golf slice. This information has been streamlined into a brief and comprehensible manual that is a worthwhile asset to remember and revisit in the future.

First – What is a slice in golf?

A ‘slice’ is a golfing term that describes a sharp curving flight path of a golf ball to the right, specifically for right-handed golfers, during its time in the air. Although some golfers may purposefully employ a slice to their benefit, for the majority of golfers, a slice is deemed to be an undesirable shot.

For those who favor their right hand, a slice in golf refers to a shot that curves exceedingly towards the right of its original trajectory. For those who favor their left hand, the ball veers considerably towards the left of its initial trajectory.

It is noteworthy that two versions of a slice exist. From the viewpoint of a right-handed golfer.

The first is the classic slice – wherein the ball begins its journey to the left of the intended target or start line, and subsequently curves excessively to the right, ultimately ending up considerably to the right of the target. The second version is the push slice- in which the ball commences its trajectory to the right of the intended target or start line, and further drifts towards the right, missing even further to the right of the intended target.

Why is a slice bad?

Now the question: why is a slice bad? There are some reason is:

One of the main reasons why a slice is bad is that it can cause a golfer to lose distance and accuracy. When a ball slices, it typically travels less distance than a straight shot, as the spin on the ball causes it to lose momentum. Additionally, a slice can cause a ball to veer off course, making it difficult for a golfer to predict where their ball will land.

The shot lacks strength and is difficult to control

  • A slice in golf is a weak and hard-to-control shot that results from hitting the ball at an angle.
  • This type of shot lacks the power and effectiveness of stronger shots, as we’ll talk about later.
  • It’s important to understand that a slice is especially affected by the wind, making it even more unpredictable.
  • Sometimes a slice can cause the ball to fly too high or too low, making it difficult to predict where it will land.

The Challenge of Aiming for a Slice

Mastering the slice shot can be challenging, as overcompensating towards the left (for right-handed players) to compensate for the sharp curve of the ball can result in it landing on the wrong side of the target. While popular advice advises aiming further to the left to correct the slice, this technique may not always be effective.

Sacrificing distance: can be detrimental to your game, particularly for average golfers. It can make the game considerably more challenging, particularly when driving off the tee.

A lack of control and distance on the course can lead to a poor score: and a handicap that feels insurmountable. Golf can be an expensive sport: particularly when you consider the cost of replacing sliced golf balls that end up in the trees or water hazards. I speak from experience on this matter.

What Causes a Slice in the Golf Swing?

A slice in a golfer’s swing typically results from an out-to-in swing path, whereby the clubhead approaches from outside the target line before cutting across it, resulting in the ball spinning to the right (for right-handed golfers).

There are multiple reasons why a golfer may adopt an out-to-in swing path. One common cause is an over-the-top move, where the downswing begins with the upper body rather than the lower body, causing the club to surpass the swing plane. Another factor could be a golf grip that is too weak, resulting in an open clubface at impact.

Additionally, poor alignment, stance, and ball position can contribute to a slice. If a golfer’s shoulders are open to the target, or the ball is too forward in the stance, it can encourage an out-to-in swing path.

To fix a slice, a golfer can work on correcting their swing path, grip, and alignment. It may also be helpful to work with a golf instructor who can provide feedback and drills to address the specific causes of the slice.

Why Do I Slice with My Driver but Not My Irons?

There may be several reasons why you slice with your driver but not with your irons. 

One possible reason is your swing. When using your driver, you may be making a more exaggerated outside-to-inside swing, leading to an open clubface at impact and a slice. With irons, you may be making a more inside-to-outside swing, resulting in a closed clubface and a straighter shot. Another reason may be the length of your clubs. Drivers are longer than irons, which may make it harder to control your swing and the clubface, causing a slice. 

Additionally, the loft of your clubs may play a role. Drivers typically have a lower loft than irons, making it easier to slice due to the ball having less backspin. Practice and proper technique can help you minimize slicing with your driver and achieve more consistent shots. 

Backspin vs. Sidespin

The probability of slicing the ball with your driver is higher compared to hitting with a sidespin. The reason behind this is that drivers produce less backspin and can potentially generate more sidespin depending on the orientation of the clubface at impact.

  • The amount of backspin generated is higher with lofted clubs, which partly counteracts the occurrence of sidespin. Drivers, however, have the least loft, which means that they are not as effective in reducing the impact of sidespin.

Club length –  In the world of golf, achieving a square impact with longer clubs is typically more difficult for most players. This is particularly true for the driver, which happens to be the longest club in your set, measuring an average of 45.5 inches. In contrast, the 7-iron is usually about 37 inches long. As you may have noticed, it’s clear which club both you and I perform better with. The good newsis – Correcting a slice with your driver typically results in a simultaneous improvement in the technique used for iron shots.

How to fix a slice with a Driver?

Part 1 of our Golf Slice Fix – Strengthen Your Grip

The most significant determinant of the direction of your golf ball lies in the orientation of your clubface. As we have already confirmed, when you execute a slice, the face of your club is found to be in an open position relative to the path of your swing during impact. Therefore, it is imperative that we prioritize rectifying this anomaly as the initial corrective measure.

High handicappers and slicers often exhibit a weak or neutral grip, with their hands positioned more towards the top of the club during their grip. To rectify this, you can follow the steps below to attain a more optimal grip:

  1. Begin by placing your left hand on the grip in your usual position.
  2. Rotate your left hand towards the right until two to three knuckles are visible when you look down at the club’s address. The exact angle of rotation can be adjusted as per your preference.
  3. Next, take your right hand and position it further under the club’s grip, effectively creating a “stronger” grip.

By making certain adjustments to your grip, you can more easily rotate the clubface closed during your swing. If done correctly, this will cause your shots to veer sharply to the left. 

It’s important to note that we’re not just aiming to eliminate your slice, but rather to see a pronounced hook or pull to the left. This requires that you maintain control of the clubface throughout your entire swing.

  1. Maintain a downward-facing clubface orientation during the initial stages of your swing. 
  2. Upon reaching the apex of your backswing, gracefully bow your left wrist to subsequently close the clubface, and maintain this orientation throughout the remainder of your swing.

Part 2 of our Golf Slice Fix – Control your clubface through the golf shot

It is my wish for you to feel the movement of the clubface’s toe as it turns and shuts upon connecting with the ball.

  • Roll your right forearm over your left forearm during impact and continue the motion throughout the follow-through. This constitutes a crucial component of clubface release, rather than holding on to the grip tightly.
  • Avoid flipping your hands, as this makes it more challenging to anticipate the resulting ball trajectory.

Part 3 of our Golf Slice Fix – Change your path into the golf ball

This is the crucial moment when you start hitting the ball straight, or even with a graceful draw. It’s a widely known fact that swinging from outside to inside often causes a slice, but don’t worry, we have a solution. Our remedy involves adopting the opposite approach – an inside-out swing path – which will fix the problem at hand.

how to do it:

  1. Introduce an impediment to impede an erroneous swing trajectory. We possess two iterations of said hindrance.
  • Grab your headcover and place it to the right of your ball, just outside your swing path.
  • Swing to the inside of the headcover on the preferred path.
  • Place a ball bucket or something similar on the opposite side of the ball, to the right and outside your swing path.
  • Try hitting balls without touching the bucket.

The typical golf player fails to execute a proper hip hinge and exhibits excessive knee flexion. This faulty posture results in crowding the ball and a steep out-to-in swing path.

  • We shall assist you in reversing this process with a few uncomplicated steps.
  • Firstly, assume an upright stance with your club firmly grasped in both hands and firmly placed against the apex of your hips.
  • Secondly, proceed to bend forward from your hips, ensuring that you hinge forward from your hips as well.
  • Next, tightly grip your club in the same manner you would when preparing for a shot.
  • Afterwards, slightly bend your knees once you sense a slight tension in your hamstrings.
  • Make sure that your club is resting gently on the ground.
  • Lastly, distribute your weight evenly between the middle of your feet and your heels.

Part 4 Additional critical points for swinging on your correct path

Extra important factors to stay on track and maintain momentum.

  • Ensure consistency in the distance between your elbows during your swing. It is common for them to drift apart and lose their synchronization.
  • Avoid lunging towards the ball with your upper body and arms when commencing your downswing. Instead, initiate your swing from the ground up, beginning with your legs.
  • Throughout your swing, make an effort to maintain your right elbow in front of your body. This will assist in promoting an inside track towards the ball and ensuring that it remains in sync with your body’s rotation.

Part 5 of Our Golf Slice Fix – Improve Your Contact

  • To improve your golf swing, achieving center contact or even slightly toward the toe is crucial.
  • When hitting shots toward the toe, the gear effect of the club design, especially for drivers, results in more right-to-left spin. This phenomenon increases the likelihood of a draw shot.
  • A simple trick to practice and perfect this technique is by using a can of inexpensive foot powder spray. Spray it on your clubface and aim to make contact just off-center and slightly toward the toe.

How to Practice Fixing Your Golf Slice?

Improving your golf swing and straightening out your shots by fixing a golf slice requires practice and patience. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  1. Work on your grip: A weak grip is a significant cause of a golf slice. To address this, make sure your grip is firm but not overly tight. Ensure the “V” formed by your thumb and index finger points towards your right shoulder (for right-handed golfers). Doing this will help you square the clubface at impact.
  2. Adjust your stance: Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and your toes are pointing slightly outward. This will help you turn your hips through the swing and prevent coming over the top.
  3. Practice your backswing: Keep your left arm straight during your backswing, and focus on turning your shoulders. This will help you achieve the correct swing plane and prevent an outside-in swing path that causes a slice.
  4. Practice your downswing: Focus on bringing the club down on the inside, and keep your hands close to your body during your downswing. This will help you come from the inside and prevent coming over the top, which causes a slice.
  5. Use alignment aids: Align your body correctly with your target using aids such as a club or an alignment stick. This will help you aim correctly and prevent compensating for your slice.
  6. Consider taking a lesson: If you’re struggling to fix your slice, consider taking a lesson with a golf pro. They can help you identify the cause of your slice and provide you with personalized advice to improve your swing.

Remember that fixing a golf slice takes time and practice. By working on your grip, stance, swing, and alignment, you’ll be on your way to hitting straighter shots in no time.

How to Fix a Slice During a Round?

  • When your swing starts going off track, it’s important to focus on the basics. Don’t worry, it’s a common issue and can be resolved.
  • Start by checking your grip. Ensure that you can see two or three knuckles on your left hand and that your right hand is positioned slightly underneath the club.
  • Keep the clubface closed or facing downwards during your backswing.
  • Maintain a bowed left wrist at the top of your swing and throughout the motion.

AJ 6s you swing through, release your right forearm over your left forearm, carrying the motion into your follow-through.
Lastly, double-check your posture to make sure it hasn’t become careless.

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