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increase your driver distance

How To Increase Your Driver Distance In A Golf Swing

We all want to hit the ball farther off the tee with our driver. The distance you can achieve with your tee shot is incredibly important, so much so that many regular golfers fool themselves into thinking they hit the ball 15-30 yards longer …


perfect iron shot in golf

How to hit the perfect iron shot in golf

There are a few key factors to consider to hit the perfect iron shot in golf. First of all, it is important to consistently hit your irons by practicing regularly and focusing on good technique. This will ensure you develop a repeatable swing to …


how to improve your skill in golf

How To Improve Your Skill In Golf Game 

Golf course management refers to the array of decisions made during a game, encompassing every hole, each shot, and every swing. It entails executing a game strategy and achieving specific golfing goals, how to improve your skill in golf. While many golfers obsess over …


golf swing technique

Some Important Golf Swing Technique In Golf Game

Improving your golf game starts with mastering some important golf swing technique. One of the best golf swing tips is to maintain a good posture throughout your swing. Its means keeping your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and knees slightly bent. Another important tip is …
