What Weight Medicine Ball for Golf Training Fitness

When it comes to improving coordination and strength for the perfect golf swing, a weight medicine ball is an excellent tool to incorporate into your fitness routine. The ball is specifically made to withstand the impact of various medicine ball workouts and training, making it the best medicine ball for golf training. By incorporating medicine ball exercises into your fitness routine, you can effectively strengthen your core, improve your balance, and enhance your overall coordination for a more powerful and accurate golf swing.

The weight medicine ball is designed to challenge and engage your muscles in a way that traditional exercises cannot, making it a valuable addition to any golf training routine. With the right technique and dedication, a weight medicine ball can help you to improve your golf swing and overall game, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to take their golf fitness to the next level. 

Why Use Medicine Balls for Golf Training

Medicine balls have long been a staple in many sports training routines, from baseball to track and field. In recent years they have caught on with golfers as well due to several key advantages this equipment offers:

Improved Functional Strength and Power

The swinging motions required in golf demand a combination of strength, power, balance, flexibility and muscular coordination. Medicine balls allow golfers to work on these physical attributes in dynamic, golf-specific movements. The weighted resistance trains the muscles in ways that mimic swinging a club, facilitating stronger driver distance, iron play and putting prowess.

Enhanced Balance and Stability 

Proper golf fundamentals require balance and a stable base to swing the club effectively with consistency. Doing medicine ball exercises like overhead slams, chops, lifts and rotations makes golfers reinforce proper weight distribution and leg drive – helping them stay grounded yet explosive in the golf swing.

Injury Prevention

The rotational force imparted on the body from a golf swing done repeatedly can take its toll over time, wearing on the lower back, hips and abdomen. Training core muscles with medicine balls increases muscular strength and endurance in these areas, protecting golfers from injury and fatigue during play or practice.

Considerations for Determining Medicine Ball Weight

When integrating medicine ball training into a golf conditioning program, properly matching ball weight to the individual golfer is important. Using too light or too heavy of a medicine ball can diminish or negate potential benefits. Here are key factors to take into account when selecting medicine ball weight:


For basic strength training, men generally use heavier medicine balls than women in the same fitness categories. This is primarily due to differences in absolute upper body strength capabilities between the sexes. It doesn’t mean lighter balls are necessarily easier. The right relative resistance still produces substantial strength/power increases for female golfers.


Medicine ball weight should be aligned with the athlete’s age and conditioning level. Balls that are too heavy can increase injury risk in older golfers or those deconditioned. Teen and college golfers can often start with heavier balls than middle-aged players. But any age can build up rotational medicine ball strength over time under proper progression.

Fitness Level

The more fit the golfer, the heavier the ball they can use with proper form, control and injury prevention. Golfers should choose a challenging but manageable ball weight appropriate for their current fitness capabilities mapped to golf swing strength needs. Progressively increasing ball weight over time as fitness improves ensures continual adaptation.

Injury History

If a golfer has pre-existing injuries in the lower back, shoulder or elbow regions, certain medicine ball rotational exercises may need to be avoided or require lighter ball weights. Changing direction quickly while rotating under load with heavier balls could aggravate injury-prone areas. Always allow injuries full rehab before introducing medicine balls. Achieve 

Swing Speed

The faster the club head speed a golfer can generate, the more force their body can normally withstand in medicine ball exercises. Golfers with tour caliber swing speeds (105+ mph driver clubhead speed) can often train with the heaviest medicine balls to continue improving rotational power. Slower swinging players still benefit from moderate weight balls working on other physical golf attributes.

Now that key selection criteria have been covered, here are general ball weight recommendations based on gender, age and fitness levels common in golfers:

Women Beginner:

  • 3-6 pounds Intermediate
  • 6-8 pounds Advanced
  • 8-12 pounds


  • Beginner: 4-8 pounds
  • Intermediate: 8-12 pounds
  • Advanced: 12-20 pounds

Teen golfers can normally start in the middle ranges and progress heavier from there. Seniors should begin conservatively and increase weight judiciously only if swing speed, fitness and muscular endurance permit.

While these ranges provide rough estimates, each golfer’s current physical abilities should dictate the ideal medicine ball weight to use. The key is choosing a weight that allows completing full sets of quality repetitions on each exercise with proper form. As technique and endurance improves, increasing ball weight then provides the next progression to build golf fitness.

Medicine Ball Exercises for Golfers

Now that appropriate medicine ball weight ranges have been established, it is important to understand effective exercises that translate to on-course performance. Here are five excellent rotational medicine ball exercises for golfers with summaries on proper technique:

Russian Twists

Hold a medicine ball at chest, feet planted with knees bent. Maintaining upright torso, rotate ball from left to right, touching the ground on each side. Work is in the obliques. 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Overhead Slams

Hold the ball overhead with straight arms, rotate shoulders backwards gathering momentum then explosively slam ball on the ground ahead forcefully. Work is in shoulders and core. 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Medicine Ball Chops

Standing in athletic stance, hold medicine ball overhead on one side. Powerfully swing through and downwards chopping across body to opposite knee. Alternate sides each rep. Works core obliques and shoulders. 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps each side.

Rotational Throw

Stand sideways holding medicine ball straight out. Rotate through core and throw ball forcefully at wall ahead using whole body. Catch rebound and throw again. Work is in hips, core and shoulders. 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Golf Swing Simulation

Hold a medicine ball at your chest, and mimic golf posture. Drive through legs and rotate core powerfully throwing ball at net/wall while maintaining spine angle and balance. Alternate sides. It matches golf swing mechanics. 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps on each side.

Perform these medicine ball exercises 1-2 times per week in addition to normal golf practice for best results. Allow at least 48 hours between sessions for proper muscular recovery adapting to training stress.

Proper Medicine Ball Handling Precautions

While extremely effective when used properly, performing medicine ball exercises does impart a substantial force on both the body and surroundings. Here are the safety guidelines all golfers should follow:

  • Inspect the medicine ball surface for defects/cracks before use. Do not use if the ball is damaged or deformed.
  • Make sure adequate space is available for the complete range of motion, release and possible errant throws. Underground wires or plumbing should be avoided.
  • Use on flat, even surfaces avoiding slippery or uneven terrain which could impair balance. Outdoor use is only recommended for advanced athletes.
  • Stand facing the wall target at a very close range to control rebound. Deflect balls away from windows or objects that could break.
  • Beginners should use lighter balls focusing on technique before advancing weight to prevent injury.
  • Warm up muscles properly before starting the medicine ball workout. Stretch thoroughly afterward.

Following these precautions minimizes risk allowing golfers to gain tremendous benefits from properly implementing medicine ball training.


How heavy should my medicine ball be?

The ideal medicine ball weight depends on your fitness level, goals, and the exercises you’ll use it for. Some general guidelines on weight:

Beginners: 4-8 lbs, Intermediate: 8-15 lbs, Advanced: 15-25 lbs

Choose a weight that allows you to maintain proper form for 10-15 reps of an exercise. Over time, increase the weight as your strength builds. Start too heavy and you risk injury.

What weight slam ball should I get?

For slam ball exercises that involve throwing the ball at the ground with force, the weight guidelines are:

Women: 10-20 lbs, Men: 20-40 lbs

Heavier athletes or those with training experience can use heavier slam balls up to 60 lbs. But proper technique is crucial – use momentum from your arms, shoulders, and core to slam heavier balls safely.

What weight category is a medicine ball?

Medicine balls come in a wide range of weights, but common categories are:

Light: 2-8 lbs, Medium: 8-15 lbs, Heavy: 15-25+ lbs

The right category medicine ball for you aligns with your fitness capabilities and intended exercises. Build strength over time progressing to heavier ball categories.

What weight wall ball should I use?

For wall ball shots, choose the weight based on your experience level:

  • Beginner women: 6-10 lb ball, Intermediate women: 10-14 lb ball, Advanced women: 15-20 lb ball
  • Beginner men: 10-14 lb ball, Intermediate men: 15-20 lb ball, Advanced men: 20+ lb ball
  • Use a ball heavy enough to challenge your explosiveness and stamina for the duration of your wall ball routine.

The most important rule is finding the medicine ball or slam ball weight appropriate for your current fitness level. Then progress is heavier over time as strength and power increase.

In Closing

Many golfers overlook important physical conditioning aspects like power, balance and injury resilience. Medicine balls provide an excellent way to address these areas with the ball weight properly matched to physical capabilities. Benefits include increased driver distance, prevention of back/hip injuries and reinforced muscular stability for consistency. Adjust weight to find the right resistance to challenge current strength and swing speed abilities while maintaining strict form. Include other exercises like Russian Twists, Chops and Swing Simulations to functional training 1-2 times weekly. With safe handling practices, medicine ball training gives all level golfers a way to boost rotational strength and maximize their athletic potential on the course.

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