How Many Dimples Are There On A Golf Ball?

A structure of dimples on a golf ball has a important impact on various factors, including air resistance, distance, and trajectory. It’s important to note that not all golf balls are identical, and there is no universal solution that fits all players. Therefore, to maximize your golfing skills, it’s crucial to learn how dimples influence your game.

In this guide, we shall inform you of the number of dimples an average golf ball has and exact why it is important.

How many dimples are in a golf ball?

In real lifethere is no single answer as to how many dimples a golf ball has since the number of dimples can vary depending on the ball’s model and manufacturer.

 Generally, most golf balls contain between 300 and 500 dimples. Take, for instance, the Titleist Pro V1, a popular model from 2017/18, which has 352 dimples, while Titleist’s other flagship ball from the same year, the Pro V1x, has 328 dimples.

One manufacturer, in particular, holds the record for the highest number of dimples on a golf ball, which was a huge 1,070.


Golf ball dimples serve a practical purpose rather than just being decorative. Let’s delve into their function and mechanics.
Golf balls possess small indentations on their surface, known as dimples. These dimples resemble tiny craters that create vibrations in the air around the ball during flight, thereby decreasing air resistance.

Due to the dimples, a golf ball can travel a greater distance than if it were smooth. Without dimples, air would flow swiftly over the ball’s surface, producing turbulence behind it, which would cause the ball to experience drag and fall toward the ground faster. The dimples, on the other hand, generate resistance that lowers the amount of drag, allowing the ball to soar higher and farther.

This is why early golfers observed that a worn-out ball with dents flew farther and more effectively than a brand-new, unblemished ball.


Most dimples are spherical, but not all of them.

Usually, a shallow dent is followed by a deeper dimple across the ball’s surface. Many golf ball manufacturers modify the ball’s internal characteristics before they change the dimple pattern or design.

A few years ago, Callaway introduced hexagonal dimple patterns on their golf balls, which proved to be very popular. For the first time, a business had changed the overall pattern. There is some tension over whether the shape of the dimples can affect a golf ball’s performance characteristics.

Although the traditional dimple shape is spherical, some modern golf manufacturers are experimenting with additional shapes that employ the principles of aerodynamics to enhance performance at the highest level.

How Many Dimples in Golf Ball Estimates

Golf balls are impressively covered in roughly 250 to 500 indentations, a remarkable accomplishment for such a petite sphere.
On average, golf balls possess 336 symmetrical dimples, while there is no maximum number of dimples. A certain ball contained over 1700 dimples, although its discontinuation from production suggests that less is often more.

When Did Golf Balls Get Dimples?

During the early days of golf, golf balls were made of nothing more than leather balls filled with goose feathers, and they were successfully used for hundreds of years. However, as the game grew in popularity in the mid-1800s, golf balls began to be made from the gum of the sapodilla tree, which resulted in perfectly round and smooth balls.

Soon, players discovered that balls with cuts or accidental indents would travel further and straighter through the air. In 1905, William Taylor, an English golf ball manufacturer and engineer, filed the first patent for a dimpled golf ball.

Now, almost 120 years later, dimples are considered one of the most important parts of a golf ball. It’s worth noting that the invention of dimples was a happy accident and not a deliberate design. Today’s state-of-the-art golf balls are a far cry from the early golf balls of the 1800s.

After Taylor’s creation, many other manufacturers began to follow his lead and develop their own dimple patterns. This led to significant advancements in dimple science, ball flight, and other technologies aimed at maximizing distance and control.

How Big Are Dimples on Golf Balls?

The ideal dimple range must be understood when looking for a new golf ball, whether it’s for regular play or practice. With such a wide range of dimples available, this can be a challenging task.

The player who will be using the golf ball must be taken into account when deciding the ideal number of dimples for it.
When purchasing a golf ball, it’s important to pay attention to the depth, edge angles, and shape of the dimples, as these characteristics are utilized when the ball is in the air. Balls with too few dimples will be too smooth, leading to unpredictable flight and affecting speed.

On the other hand, balls with too many dimples will slow the ball down, reducing its spin and affecting the air pressure around the ball. As a result, deciding on the number of dimples to consider can be complicated.
Many golfers consider the optimum number of dimples on a golf ball to be between 220 and 430, as this range is believed to be ideal. Any more or fewer dimples on a golf ball can make it unpredictable and ultimately affect your game.

What is the weight of a golf ball?

Golf ball weights have varied considerably throughout the history of the game, with older designs dating back hundreds of years being inconsistent in their weights, shapes, and sizes.

However, in the modern game, governing bodies have established clear regulations regarding the weight of a golf ball. Presently, a golf ball must not weigh more than 1.620 ounces or 45.93 grams.

What’s the size of a golf ball?

The size of golf balls has a varied history, much like their weights. Previously, there was significant variance among golf balls, but now they are required to have a consistent size. As per regulations, a golf ball must have a size of no less than 1.680 inches, or 42.67 mm.

How can I determine which golf ball dimple pattern is suitable for me?

As previously mentioned, the number of dimples on a golf ball can vary considerably between models and manufacturers. Additionally, each model has its own specific dimple pattern and size.

So, how do you decide which dimple pattern is appropriate for you? In actuality, you don’t even need to know the specifics of a particular golf ball’s dimple pattern, let alone the dimple pattern itself. 

The golf ball manufacturers should be trusted with this choice.

It is best to leave this choice up to the golf ball creators.

Instead, concentrate on the golf ball’s performance attributes. For instance, it is more critical to know if a ball has high or low launch capabilities or if it generates a significant amount of spin or as little spin as feasible. Many of a golf ball’s features are, at least partially, a product of the ball’s dimple pattern and dimple sizes. However, rather than worrying about the dimple pattern that caused them, it is preferable to concentrate on the performance specifics themselves.

What happens If a Golf Ball Didn’t Have Dimples on It?

We have delved into the physics of how golf ball dimples work and their significance in performance. However, if a golf ball lacked dimples entirely or if dimples covered only a portion of the ball, what would be the outcome?

Thankfully, GOLF’s equipment editor, Jonathan Wall, investigated this very matter in 2014. Wall spoke with Nick Nardacci of Titleist, who had conducted a simple test for the company.

In the experiment, they employed a swing robot to strike two different balls: one with dimples on one side only and the other completely smooth. The dimpled ball created a snap hook on one side. The completely smooth ball produced a low-flying knuckleball.

“The dimples assist in generating lift,” Nardacci informed Wall. “Once the ball departs from the clubhead, the only aerodynamic forces acting on it are gravity. It is the faster movement of the air over the top of the ball that results in a reduction in pressure. And creating the lift force that acts in an upward direction.”

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