How To Avoid Pushing Putts To The Right 

To avoid pushing putts to the right, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, it is important to ensure that the grip on the putter is correct. A strong grip, where the palms are facing each other and the putter is held more in the fingers rather than the palms, can help prevent pushing the ball to the right. 

Additionally, it is crucial to maintain a consistent and stable posture throughout the putting stroke. A common mistake that leads to pushing putts is a lack of stability and balance, often caused by a tilted or unsteady posture. Furthermore, keeping the eyes directly over the ball and the putter face square to the target line can also help in avoiding pushing putts to the right. It is important to ensure that the putter face is aligned correctly at the address and remains so throughout the entire stroke. By maintaining a stable grip, posture, and alignment, and by keeping the eyes directly over the ball, golfers can significantly reduce the likelihood of pushing putts to the right. 

Practicing these fundamental techniques will help improve the consistency and accuracy of putting, ultimately leading to lower scores on the golf course. 

Check Your Aim

One of the most common reasons golfers push putts is because their aim is off. Before ever taking the putter back, make sure you have aligned the clubface and your body properly to the intended target line. Stand behind the ball first to visualize the line. Then set up with your eyes directly over the ball, aligning your clubface and feet to the target. If aimed incorrectly, you’ll have to manipulate the stroke to compensate, leading to mishits. Careful attention to proper setup and aim is the first step to preventing pushed putts.

Analyze Your Stroke Arc

The path of your stroke, as you take the putter back and then forward toward the ball, plays a major factor in direction. Pushing putts right generally stems from an outside-in swing path – meaning bringing the putter too far inside on the backswing and then swinging across the target line to the right on the forward stroke. This imparts a sideways spin that redirects the ball from the intended line. Analyze video of your putting stroke to see if it travels too much inside-out rather than straight back and straight through along the target line.

Check Your Ball Position

In order to avoid pushing putts, it is crucial to check your ball position. Placing the ball too far forward in your stance can lead to an open clubface at impact, causing the ball to be pushed to the right of the target. It is recommended to position the ball slightly forward of center in your stance, which allows for a smoother stroke and a better chance of keeping the clubface square at impact.

By taking the time to ensure the correct ball position, golfers can increase their chances of making successful putts on the green. Additionally, maintaining a consistent ball position from putt to putt can help in developing a more reliable putting stroke. Correct ball position is just one of the many factors that contribute to a successful putting game, and it is important for golfers to pay close attention to this detail in order to improve their overall performance on the green.

Evaluate Grip Pressure and Tension

When it comes to putting in golf, evaluating grip pressure and tension is crucial for success on the green. It’s so important to find the right balance of grip pressure to ensure a smooth stroke and consistent putt. Too much tension in the hands can lead to pushing putts offline, while too little can result in a lack of control and accuracy. Great training is essential to learn how to avoid pushing putts and achieving optimal grip pressure. A lighter grip can also help the putter head to smoothly impact the ball, allowing for better ball rolling and distance control. Additionally, a grip that is too firm or incorrect can lead to a shorter, less controlled stroke. Utilizing a great way to practice and develop proper grip pressure and tension is crucial for the muscle memory needed to consistently get the ball in the hole. 

Utilize Aim Assistance Tools

When looking to improve putting performance, it is beneficial to utilize aim assistance tools such as training aids. These tools can help golfers consistently align the putter head square to the target line and, in turn, improve accuracy. Specifically, you can also use training aids to aid in ensuring that you position your eyes directly over the ball and that you position your body close to the ball, preventing unnecessary bends in your putting posture.

These aids can help golfers see the line and its relation to the desired line of the putt, enabling the golfer to take a more accurate aim. A great tip when using training aids is to focus on making a straight putt without any deceleration or acceleration, ultimately leading to a more consistent and reliable putting stroke. By effectively utilizing this equipment, golfers can increase the likelihood of sinking that elusive birdie or sinking a putt right into the back of the cup. This is indeed a good question, and the utilization of training aids can certainly benefit one’s putting game. 

Check for Consistent Ball Contact      

When practicing on the putting green, it is essential to check for consistent ball contact to improve your putting technique. Many golfers struggle with pushing putts, where the putter head comes into contact with the ball along the heel, causing the ball to veer off course. To avoid pushing putts, you don’t want the putter head to make contact with the ball on the heel. Instead, focus on making contact with the ball in the center of the putter’s face. A helpful drill to stop pushing putts is to place a couple of tees on the putting surface, alongside each side of the putter.

Then, practice putting the ball through the tees, ensuring the putter head makes consistent contact with the ball. Additionally, be mindful of your putting stroke and make sure you aim the shaft of the putter in the opposite direction of where you want the ball to go. As a result, this will improve your overall performance during a round of golf. 


How do I stop pushing my putts?

Pushing putts (when the ball starts left of the target and continues moving in that direction) happens for a few common reasons. First, check your alignment and make sure your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to your target line. An open stance at the address can cause pushed putts. Also pay attention to your swing path – you usually pull a putter face moving left of the target line on the backswing further left on the downswing. Feel like your putter is traveling straight back and straight through along the target line instead of an inside-to-out arc. Finally, evaluate your ball position – playing the ball too far forward causes a downward strike and more potential to push it.

No, it is illegal in the rules of golf to intentionally push or pull a putt offline, even if it is moving at slow speeds. This would breach Rule 11.2a which disallows deliberately altering the movement of a ball or influencing its position. You must fully intend to hole every putt for it to count as a legal stroke. You would accidentally deflect your ball at the address before making the stroke as the only exception – there is no penalty so long as you did not intend to affect it.

How do you hit straight putts?

Hitting straight putts consistently requires an in-line setup and straight-back-straight-through pendulum stroke directly along your target line. Make sure not to overly break your wrists, keeping arms and shoulders connected as you stroke through impact. Ball position in line with your forward armpit also encourages straight putts. Lastly, commit fully to aligning your eyes directly over the ball at the address. With setup strings and practice, your feel and control improve dramatically for making more center-faced contact to start balls directly online.

Conclusion: How To Avoid Pushing Putts

In conclusion, several techniques can be employed to avoid pushing putts on the golf course. Firstly, ensure that you do not decelerate during your backstroke, as this can lead to a lack of power and accuracy in your putt. It is also important to be aware of any tendencies to push the ball to the right and make adjustments accordingly. Pay close attention to the position of the putter face at impact, as even a slight misalignment can result in a pushed putt. Additionally, focus on the positioning of your sternum and the grip of your left and right hand, as these can also affect the direction of your putt. By incorporating these elements into your putting technique, you can minimize the likelihood of pushing putts and improve your overall performance on the green.

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