There are numerous terms used in golf. If you’re new to golf and hear a term like “eagle,” you might be perplexed. What exactly is an eagle in golf, and should you strive for one?
What does ‘eagle’ mean in golf?
In golf, what is an eagle? In golf, an eagle is a score achieved when you are 2-under par. To score a “eagle” on a par-3 hole, for example, you must do it in one stroke and two strokes on a par-4 hole. An eagle is a good indicator of advanced gameplay and is usually only obtained at the professional level.
In golf, an eagle is one of the most coveted scores, but what exactly is it? Continue reading to learn more about what an eagle means in golf. This article will look at what an eagle is in golf, how to score one, and why you should try it. Understanding the various golf terms and catchy golf terms can add to the game’s fun and excitement.
What exactly is a Golf Eagle? A golf eagle is a type of shot that results in a 2-under par score. Although unlikely, it is possible to achieve on a single hole or every hole in the golf game. An eagle is performed in accordance with the 2-under par rule as follows:
In a single stroke, you can complete a 3-par hole (also known as a hole-in-one).
- In two strokes for a four-par hole
- In three strokes for a 5-par hole
- In four strokes for a 6-par hole
Essentially, you will take the par number (usually 3-6) and divide it by two. This establishes the 2-under par rule in golf for hitting an “eagle” shot.
Finally, hitting eagle shots during a round of golf will significantly lower your score. It could mean the difference between losing the game and becoming the reigning champion by thrashing your opponents.
In golf, how common is an eagle shot?

Eagle Shots
As you might expect, an eagle shot in golf is not very common because it requires mastery of maneuvering and gameplay. It is more common in professional gaming.
But don’t let this discourage you. While playing golf, eagle shots are possible. You should, however, practice on holes with a higher par, such as 5-par or 6-par. This will give you more “wiggle room” for errors, giving you a better “shot” at an eagle “shot.”
While learning how to score an eagle shot may take some time, it will significantly improve your gameplay and lead to more wins.
What does the term ‘Eagle Shot’ signify?
In golf, the term “eagle” has no definitive history. However, it is not uncommon for the terms “birdie” and “eagle” to be used interchangeably. When the term “birdie” was coined in the nineteenth century, it referred to something “cool” or “wow factor.”
From there, we can deduce that “eagle” simply meant “even cooler.” If “birdie” meant “wow,” then “eagle” would mean “out of this world.” And that’s essentially what an eagle is: a spectacular golf strike.
Which par is the most common for an eagle shot?
A 5-par is the most common hole for an eagle shot. Why? Actually, there are several reasons.
- You have up to three strokes with a 5-par eagle shot. There is a better chance of hitting an eagle shot if there is more room for mistakes and mishaps.
- A 5-par hole allows for the necessary strokes for an eagle. Aside from the number game, a 5-par will give you the “right” strokes to make an eagle. Begin with a long drive, then use the second shot to move the ball onto the green. Then you’re just a short putt away from an eagle.
With more gameplay abilities and an ideal setting for success, a 5-par is a place where beginners should consider making an eagle shot. Here’s a great video of Rickie Fowler setting up his eagle shot on a 5-par hole:
Given that an eagle can be scored on a 5-par, there is reason to believe that a 6-par is also within reach of beginners and novice golfers. Shooting an eagle on a 6-par hole gives you an extra stroke, which is extremely helpful when you’re just starting out in golf.
On Shorter Holes, How to Get an Eagle Shot?
While scoring an eagle shot on a 5-par or 6-par hole is much easier, scoring an eagle on a 3-par or 4-par hole is not impossible. There are a few points to help you succeed.
- The goal of shooting an eagle on a 4-par hole is to hit the ball onto the green on your first tee shot. You can then take an additional stroke to get into the hole.
- To make an eagle on a 3-par hole, you must essentially make a hole-in-one.
What exactly is a Double Eagle in golf?
The “double eagle” is another term used in golf. And, as you might expect, it is similar to the standard single “eagle” shot. An albatross is also called a double eagle. You must shoot three shots below the hole to achieve an albatross.
A double eagle is far more rare than a single eagle. This is due to the fact that you must play on a 4-par, 5-par, or 6-par course. To get a double eagle, you must do the following:
- In a single stroke, you can complete a 4-par hole (also known as a hole-in-one).
- In two strokes for a 5-par hole
- In three strokes for a 6-par hole
A double eagle is not common, but it is also not impossible. A double eagle, on the other hand, is far more common in professional golf. For example, this video shows the ten best double eagle shots in the PGA, which you are unlikely to see at your local golf course.
So, how about a condor?
It doesn’t end with a double eagle. You can also go one step further and achieve a triple eagle, also known as a “condor.” When it comes to golf, the term “condor” essentially refers to scoring four under par on a hole. A condor, however, is only viable on a 5-par or 6-par hole.
A condor shot is one of the least likely scores in golf, but it is possible. To score a condor, you must hole out on one of the 4-pars or score in two strokes on a 6-par. Needless to say, this isn’t common, and while you can strive for it, you might want to start with a single eagle shot.
Achieving an eagle shot is something that every golfer should strive for. It’s a fantastic golf stroke that puts you at 2-under par. The number of strokes varies according to the amount of par. A 6-par eagle shot, for example, can have up to four strokes, whereas a 3-par shot can only have one.
While it is a difficult stroke to master, learning an eagle shot can improve your game. So much so that it can eventually lead to more victories as you outperform your competitors with a lower score.
An “eagle” in golf refers to a specific type of shot that is two strokes under par. To figure out how to score an eagle, take the number of par (for example, five) and divide it by two. If the hole is a 5-par, an eagle would require three strokes.
After learning about the term “eagle” in golf, you may be interested in other popular terms such as “birdie” and “bogey.” A birdie is one under par (as opposed to an eagle, which is two under). A “bogey” means you scored one over par on a golf course.
The number of hits required for an eagle in golf is solely determined by the number of par. An eagle would be a single stroke on a 3-par hole. A 4-par gives you two strokes. A 5-par gives you three strokes. A score of 6 would allow for four strokes. It’s simply the number par divided by two.
In golf, a birdie equals a score of one under par. So, if you’re shooting on a 3-par hole, you’ll have two chances to get in.
Another term used in golf is ostrich. It is only possible when playing on a 6-par hole. That’s because an ostrich is someone who hits a 5-under par. So, since ostrich refers to five under, the only acceptable associated par is a six.